It started in 2016 in Hidden Valley Campground as we inspected a torn pair of climbing pants under the light of our headlamps. Then came an attempt to piece together the required materials to create a garment that wouldn’t rip in one weekend in Joshua Tree. We started from scratch & launched Atali with a run of 100 of our Hornblende Pants, which continue to be our best-selling garment. Our goal is to keep things consciously small so that nothing escapes our attention, and we can focus on improving and updating the few core pieces that we build.

Spending time in wild spaces is our lifeblood, and we need clothing that can keep up. Atali was born out of one too many poorly-made garments that left us saying, “we could build these better.”

Up with quality, down with quantity.

This lightens the load in your pack & the load placed on our planet.